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Tuesday 5 April 2011

Your Favorite Yoga Poses

If you know me, you know that my favorite celebrity is Jennifer Aniston. Another reason I love her? She practices yoga! She trains with well known LA yoga teacher Mandy Ingber. What are Jennifer's 2 all time favorite poses?  Child's pose and tree stand. Even Bikram Choudhury agrees that child's pose (he calls it Half Tortoise Pose) is the most relaxing pose in the yoga practice - just as relaxing as 8 hours sleep. Lowering your head below your heart has this calming effect on your mind, and it's a great pose to do if you're feeling stressed or tired. Child's Pose is recommended for people with lower back pain. It's also the perfect pose to do in a yoga class (not Bikram though) if your arms need a break, or if you feel your breathing becoming too erratic.

Jennifer's other favorite pose is Standing Tree. Tree is a wonderful balancing pose because it doesn't require a ton of muscular strength. When your bent leg is resting on the inner thigh of your straight leg, it's actually quite stable. So you can stay in this position for a while, just breathing and feeling your connection with the ground.

Try these poses at home today and stay in them for at least 2 full minutes while you breath. You'll fell great! What are your favorite yoga poses? I'd love to hear from you. Whether they're beginner or advanced - let me know! How do they make you feel?


SandyLee said...

Hi Lana!

I did't know that about Jennifer Aniston. Thanks for in info!
I know I am doing a great pose when I don't like it, or I have some resistance to doing it. I find this makes me want to do it more:) Most recently that pose has been Dancer's Pose (Natarajasana).
Thanks for your post! xoxo

Kate said...

I love Child's Pose and Downward Facing Dog, I feel such a great stretch in my back, I do those two every morning when I wake up, or when I am feeling tense.